Oh salary you have been "Christianed" state of emergency
A marriage committee has been set for you, to plan for your engagement.
Recurrent expenditure (salary), beware that you shall be confronted feebly or mightily, but all I know is that you "recurrent expenditure" don't just budge to mere committee antics because you continue to appear like the financial "Devil" & a budget Virus.
Your enemies who want to confront you must be strong, steady, consistent, proactive otherwise their clamour to subdue you without those characteristics remains mere rhetorics.
I know you, you are more powerful, devastating & pain in the ass when it comes to budgetary matters & application than, capital expenditure.
Recurrent expenditure "salary" why are you so wicked to attack our meagre resources in Benue to make us have sleepless nights.
You have now forced us to dare you by declaring a state of emergency on you, I hope you Will understand that we have no other option than to do that, please recurrent expenditure "salary" show understanding & cooperate with us so as to avoid conflict, if our passionate appeal is not heeded to, the high powered committee will crush you to your bone marrow. We are not joking over this declaration "state of emergency" mind you,
Well for those of you who are the owners of the content of this financial crisis "workers", your patience is sought as long as the duel between the state of emergency on salaries " recurrent expenditure " & the tactical committee last.
A least for this duel between the two there must be a victor or vanquish,
Please enjoy the pain, no pain no gain but if you have a better option please advice or are we running out of ideas to confront the issue or we are simply overwhelmed,
Hoping on Hopes maybe,
The situation as it is now remain precarious, adiabatic & isothermic, pray hard, IJN

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