"Painfully, the stupid single ladies don't love no more. Rather, they are looking for who they will become Liabilities to, in the name of Marriage" ---DJ Ideal 2016
"already made husbands come with already made problems".
Ladies don't actually know. 'That is why a lady won't marry unless the guy has fleet of cars or mansions and money to throw around not minding his source of income, that's when her love so to say comes alive. What if all those things disappear after marriage? Like my pastor Abel Uloko will say, "already made husbands come with already made problems". Men aren't really foolish, they tend to value that woman who stood by them more through hard times till they made it. Most ladies are unmarried because they are waiting for already made husbands throwing their real love away. Ladies, lets learn to start small, that broke ass guy today can become unbelievably wealthy tomorrow if we believe......'--- Cash Ayashar-Uma 2016
"already made husbands come with already made problems".
"Painfully, the stupid single ladies don't love no more. Rather, they are looking for who they will become Liabilities to, in the name of Marriage" ---DJ Ideal 2016
"already made husbands come with already made problems".
Ladies don't actually know. 'That is why a lady won't marry unless the guy has fleet of cars or mansions and money to throw around not minding his source of income, that's when her love so to say comes alive. What if all those things disappear after marriage? Like my pastor Abel Uloko will say, "already made husbands come with already made problems". Men aren't really foolish, they tend to value that woman who stood by them more through hard times till they made it. Most ladies are unmarried because they are waiting for already made husbands throwing their real love away. Ladies, lets learn to start small, that broke ass guy today can become unbelievably wealthy tomorrow if we believe......'--- Cash Ayashar-Uma 2016
"already made husbands come with already made problems".
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