Full Name: Nyiter Fanen Andrew
Phone Number: 08180424841
Email: nyiterandrew@gmail.com
The assessment of any country at all starts from her antecedent, present and future. Thus, this paper unveils the rotten tooth that ought to be removed in the history of Nigeria as from independence (1960) till date and finally outlines solutions to such problems so as to meet the expected standard as Nigeria grow to a hundred and more years. Set backs in the history of Nigeria. Some problems experienced in the 53 years of Nigeria are discussed below; some of the solutions for Nigeria to meet expected standard sat hundred are mentioned thus:
First is the Politicizing of Educational Institutions: Most of our institutions are politicized due to the fact that deceit has become an accepted means of government. Thus intelligent students who merit admissions in universities are denied of such opportunities; hence, relatives of those in positions of authority are given such underserved advantages. This explains why there is always brazen breaches of school ethics hence, students, coming from rich families are academic absent-minded about the normal academic business as regards, regulatory rules of the schools On a similar note, the above point also explains why we have lacked professionals in offices hence, lack of competence in graduates whom I call “position occupants and enemies of service”.
Similarly, our universities often go on strikes due to poor remuneration of lecturers. The problem is, when this happens students’ learning is delayed. Also, some dilapidated buildings of schools do not even contain students and make learning difficult. It is absurd not mentioning the marginal increment in school fees in our universities. This makes it difficult for low salary earners and farmers to sponsor their children in school.
Again some religions are said to be the root cause of many conflict in Nigeria. This country consists of many religion and there exist religions discrimination and Holy war between the two (Islamic and Christianity). The various adherents of the many religious groups in Nigeria are very narrow minded and cannot accommodate other people with other religions beliefs. This intolerance often parts of conflicts that leader to the loss of lives and property.
Religion brings fatalism and thereby encourages people to accept the status of quo without finding ways to resolve the situations.. Religion causes many things is bias; they see the need to covert people to their faith sexism root on religion; the inequality that exist between men and women
Also worthy of note is the problem of insecurity: Inadequate arms have been provided for security agents to discharge their duties. this is evident in the fact that, when you embark on a journey you will discover that ; the gridlock is thick, but there are no equipment with the security operatives on the guard to check what is been taken into the country and the kind of things that goes out. Due to the advancement in technology, every check point should have good equipment to ensure appropriate checking. Only an eclipse in to a car is not effective as regards of discovering what is not expected. Security personnel need to go on thorough check by a way of even offloading a car so as to secure the country. Hardly will you agree with me that; check points are found at airports. Is it not high time we took measures towards correcting this?  The impersonation of army by Boko haram; this group; is set to cause unconfortability in the nation, our country is becoming a laughing stock we are deteriorating in to a country of barbarism.
Furthermore, reduction in the rate of corruption and bribery, it is the main cause of disability and poverty in Nigeria. It causes this in many ways to make Nigerians suffer. “The political elite in air conditioned chambers; and exodus cars, with fearful stories of trip off touched away from their impoverished constituencies lying prostrate with death  traps for road, mud for water, candle for light, underneath trees for schools, rats for protein and fasting as food”. Thus, those in positions of authority sometimes boost the economy of the colonial order. This can be demonstrated in the fact that legislators do not only make laws, but also attract projects to their areas. On the contrary, they rather aid the development of areas abroad.
More so, leadership in Nigeria is ineffective. Nigeria keep on experiencing bad leadership, starting from the time of independence till date, Nigeria as a country gained their independence in 1960 and in 1963; it became a republic of its own. Starting from this time, it started having hardship in leading aspect and military took over, it was due to bad leadership that the crisis took place and military era came in. Second military era in Nigeria was also as a result of the inability to lead a country of many states that the military still came in for the second time. Military in Nigeria has ruled Nigeria for over 29 years which seize up human right, a country like Nigeria which has been ruled by civilian not military, civilian have the leadership for 25 years which make Nigeria at 53 years now, civilian brings corruption, that causes instability in Nigeria leadership.
Increment in employment opportunities for the reduction of crime commission in Nigeria; if job opportunities in Nigeria are increased it is bound to reduce the rate of crime in the society. People with useful qualifications are in most cases, not considered. This makes them lose hope and are said to be the able bodied men on streets without motive, without vision, without mission; fit for the farms, but glued to cities. They become hungry and desperate constituting willing tools in the hands of political overlords for mission of vendetta against political foes in their fight for power. This makes the youths to commit so many crimes.
The issue of Press freedom should be of paramount consideration in all actions. Press freedom as stipulated by the constitution is the right of every citizen of Nigeria, but due to certain factors, it is not exercise properly in the country. Citizens who insist for it are either killed or threatened in order to scare them. As in the case of Dele Giwa, Now, journalists are not killed as in the time of the military, but there are bribed in order to be partial in their reportage.
Governance: As from 1999 to the present, when the military handed over powers to the civilian they are some problem which are to be settled and are not settled. These are thus: Standard of democracy: Nigeria as a country does not have a good standard of conducting election. It is a country that democracy is not conducted according to it rule; that is principle of free and fair election, in this country, the winner of election is not chosen to be the leader. That is making someone feel disfranchise in obtaining a standard in democracy, the electorate to exercise his right to vote and be voted for. Checks and balances. The body that is respected as a watch dog is not doing some of its expected responsibilities.
In addition, police brutality is another fact of consideration, the rule of law states that, an accused person should be assumed innocent until a court of law presided over by a free, fair and impartial judge finds him or her guilty of the alleged crime. Contrary, the case is completely different in Nigeria where police arrest, molest and brutalize people without any judgment been passed on them, thereby, making the rule of law ruse. Similarly, the law court which is supposed to be the last hope of a common person has been in reverse order. Judges are bribed, and fair judgment is seized in favor of the rich at the expense of the poor man whom in turn suffers the brunt in form of his property been confiscated due to partial judgment.
Irrespective of the aforementioned facts, I concluded that our problems are not insurmountable; though, crippling they seem, we can still reposition our dear nation to meet her standard at hundred. This, I believe can be achieved by embarking on war against the above problems thus:
First, if the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) issue hard and fast rules regarding the procedure for admitting students in universities, and embark on adequate measures of checking the excesses of those in positions of admission processes, Nigeria will have competent office holders due to enthusiastic studying in school. Our government should also ensure prompt payment of workers’ salaries so as to avoid indefinite strikes that have negative effects on students.
Again, Mau Tse Tung said and I quote, “Power emanates from barrel of gun”. And Abraham Lincoln said, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Thus, if our security operatives hold the rule of law in high esteem and desist from brutalizing accused people until been found guilty of the alleged crimes, we will have a peaceful nation even in generations to come.
Also, if rigging of elections and political thuggery is reduced and leaders have sero-tolerance to violence, we will have a corrupt-free society. Creation of job opportunities for out youth who graduate from schools can aid the reduction of such crimes. if our security operatives are empowered with arms, they will police effectively.
Conclusively, there is a philosophical saying, “Maturity is not just the accumulation of years, but also the gathering of experiences and their intensities”. With the efforts taken by our current leaders we hope that the positive possibilities of Nigeria at hundred as discussed above will surely come to pass.
Full Name: Nyiter Fanen
Phone Number: 08180424841
Email: nyiterandrew@gmail.com

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