COM 415: Organisation & Management of Advertising & Public Relations Agencies - Course Outline

Course Lecturers: Dr. Ngusha Chile (08068694720) and Ms Grace Anweh (07030437185) Email:
Course Title: COM 415: Organisation & Management of Advertising & 
Public Relations Agencies
Course Description
This course is designed to establish effective guidelines for starting an enterprise in advertising and public relations. The organisation and management of the various departments of a full service agency
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, the students is expected to:
a. Clearly explain advertising/public relations agency as a concept
b. Outline the importance of public relations/advertising agency
c. Explain types and management structures of advertising agency
d. Explain why agency wins and loss client
e. Explain trends in public relations agency/consultancy
f. Explain specialized areas in public relations agency
Grading System
20% Group Assignment
10% Test. Test date will be announced in class
10% Attendance
60% Examination will take place at the end of the semester

Course Content
Part one: Management and Organisation of Advertising Agencies
1.      Introduction: Advertising Agencies
2.      The advertising Agency Scene In Nigeria
a.       Types of Advertising Agencies
b.      Evaluation of Advertising Agencies
c.       Why Agencies Lose Client
d.      How Agencies Gain Client
e.       The Role of AAAN/APCON
f.       The Code of Advertising Practice
Part Two: Management & Organisation of Public Relations Agencies
3.      Public Relations consultancy Practice
a.       What it is
b.      Types of Public Relations Agencies
c.       Trends in Agencies
d.      Agency Life versus Corporate Life
e.       Job Roles in Public Relations Consultancies
f.       Trends that Modern Agencies must Deal With
g.      Transforming Public Relations Business
h.      Public Relations Agency Selling Points
i.        The Role of PRCAN/NIPR
j.        Bye law No.3 of 1993
k.      Bye law No. 1 of 1992

Reading Text
1.      Chile, D N & Nuhu T M (2016). Contemporary Trends in Media and Corporate Public Relations. Ibadan: Vast Publishers

Recommended text                         
2.      Bel-Moluku, J & Obiaku D (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some Fundamental Issues. Lagos: APCON
3.      Keghku, T (2005). Public Relations and the Nigerian Economy Makurdi: Aboki Publishers
4.      Nwosu, I E & Nkamnebe A D (2006). Triple P Advertising: Principles, Processes, Practices, Lagos: Afri Towers Ltd
5.      Chile, D N & Nuhu T M (2016). Contemporary Trends in Media and Corporate Public Relations. Ibadan: Vast Publishers
6.      Onuorah, J (2010). What goes on in the Advertising Agency, Lagos: Careercrest Consult

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