The federal government has finally released a breakdown of the first
tranche of Paris Club refunds paid to states in December last year.
The breakdown which was released today in a statement by Salisu
Danbatta, director of information in the Ministry of Finance has it
that Benue State Government got a total of N13,709,343,498.5
I recall how I was almost eaten alive by pro-government social media
commentators when I opined that the government got N13.7bn instead of
the N12.7bn announced by the state government and that there was a
shortfall of N1bn unaccounted for.
The Commissioner of Finance, Mr David Olofu in a video which I
published had said two earlier that the government was expecting $81
million and stated the exchange rate that will be used which I
mathematically analysed to arrive at N13.7 bn, but to no avail.
Most notably the governors media duo of Tahav Agerzua and Terver Akase
, including Orvesen Nathaniel Ikyur and many others called for my head
within and without social media in many different ways. Mr Iorliam
Shija of blessed "Facebook Friends" memory said I was seeking
attention. Others like Prince Tyodoo Livinus simply requested that I
apologised for my apostasy against the government.
However this latest revelations brings back the question of what
happened to the difference of N1bn. What other explanations or
accusations are there to be made now?

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