Adolescence bought your thoughts,
You became hot and wild.
Tasting different sessions of pleasure,
 With people who vanished like smoke.
 Your wings waved your consciousness bye,
 As you consumed the flattery of seduction.

 The meaning of reality changed,
 Loneliness became your landlord,
Your swollen belly made you an alien.
Where are your  waving costumers?
Why are you now cold?
For you wrote your story on water.

You laid to make a foetus,
Yet you destroy it so easy
Like blinking an eye
Imagine all foetus were annihilated
We would all be in the latrine.

 The ladies of our moment ,
are the designers of their curse.
They bury reality for illusions
Yet we  marry them and their curses
For we are all singers of the fate.

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