Biography of Gee6ix

Biography of Gee6ix

Your Full name: Payefa G. Preye.

Your Stage name: Gee6ix.

Your Genre in music: Afrobeat /Hip pop.

Where are you based: Warri Delta State.

How long have you been making music: I6 months now.

What genre would you consider your music to be: Love and motivational.

Biography of Gee6ix

What inspired you to pursue a career in music: It had been my dream from birth and especially I got inspired from a particular artist named Twest.

Are you signed to a label or are you an independent artist: I'm an independent artist.

What have been the biggest challenges in your music career: Money has been my biggest challenge.

How many songs or albums have you released to date: 3 songs but I got featured in a particular song but I had dropped 2 singles.

Can you tell us a few things about your latest release: I just released a song titled SOMEBODY and I sang it because I was heartbroken and I was requesting for a new lover.

Any plans for new music or upcoming projects we should know about: Yes I'm planning on releasing a new single titled MAMA and I'm Dropping it to appreciate my mom and other moms all over the world for their efforts and training.

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