The story of Noah
Sodom and Gomorah
These were cities destroyed
For their wicked hearts
But God spared Nineveh
For the city did turn away
From its wicked ways and sins that brought reproach.
For in this crisis
Oh, let love lead the way
Helping one another
Helping those in need
For the God of the good times
Is the same God of Bad times
He will show us mercy
When we learn to love 2x
We pray for our Doctors
Nurses and all Health Workers
Who put their lives on the line to save the world
We are helpless, we are defenseless
Oh Christ, show mercy
Heal the world
Austin Adigwe is the third child of the Late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adigwe from Ubulu-Uku Town in Delta.
Austin as fondly called by friends and Colleagues was born into a devout Catholic home and grew through the ranks as an Altar Boy, a Chorister and Pianist.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Lagos State University Ojo, Master of Science in Economics from University of Lagos and currently a PhD student of Lagos State University Ojo.
Follow him on all social media handles below:
Facebook: Austin Adigwe
IG: @Austin.Adigwe
Twitter: @ausglo
YouTube: Augustine Adigwe
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