"Dara's Cook Show", is a TV show delivering an array of traditional meals while playing host to notable faces for the entertainment industry. It is a breath of fresh air in cook show hosting in Nigeria. It is hosted by a vibrant and intelligent eight (8) year old Darasimi Nadi. Dara, as she is fondly called, loves to cook and a professional in cooking, she has good communication skills.
"Dara's Cook Show" is an amazing entertaining TV show which shows the brevity of a little Nigerian girl, whose entertaining prowess and capacity is overwelming and highly alarming in the TV show history.
"Dara's Cook Show" is a TV production which comes from the stables of MimiHagz Production, the people behind the Myth of Wife Sharing in Tiv Land, One Night One Chance, Ngumimi, The Pensioner and many more.
You don't need to be told, you need to be part of the show, as channel whispers some times misinform. This show is beneficial to you and your family.
For product support and sponsorship please contact. Phone no: 08031114675, 09046842523 Email: ngumimi111@gmail.com
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