Celebrities Legendary Fashion Brand ,ADUNNI OGE COUTURE,just won the concluded AFRICA ULTIMATE AWARD As BEST DESIGNER OF THE YEAR 2020,the nominees categories was tough list of great,famous and creative designer’s in Africa such as yomi casual and many more,everyone is great but one has to be the winner as BEST DESIGNER OF THE YEAR 2020 at most memorable and sensational AFRICA ULTIMATE AWARD 2020
AM GRATEFUL ALMIGHTY ALLAH,nd to all my GREAT ADUNN’S all over the world 🙏🏽🤍🌎 🙏🏽am so glad, thanks so much we maid it along side with talented and creative designer’s in Africa 2020,as BEST DESIGNER OF THE YEAR at ULTIMATE AFRICA AWARD 2020 ,everyone is great but one has to be choosing #amhumble ✌🏾thanks so much GREAT ADUNN’S WORLD 🌎 @adunni_oge_brand @unlimted_adunni

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