Uto Entertainer drops another amazing Audio + Video "God Is Flawless"
An inspiration that was coined out from Dr. Sid (Flawless).
Rising artiste UTO Entertainer (Uchenna Louis Anyanwu) may not be a name that you know at first glance, but trust us, you’ve seen his face before. The singer-songwriter is branching out on his own with the new single “God Is Flawless”. After his previous release with the RapGod Alaga Ibile (Reminisce) on Guy like this.
Rising artiste UTO Entertainer (Uchenna Louis Anyanwu) may not be a name that you know at first glance, but trust us, you’ve seen his face before. The singer-songwriter is branching out on his own with the new single “God Is Flawless”. After his previous release with the RapGod Alaga Ibile (Reminisce) on Guy like this.
“The story behind this song is simple,” he said to God Is Flawless
(GIF). “It’s really hard to live without having God, people always beef
for nothing.”
In addition to releasing new music, the singer UTO Entertainer Decided to drop the official video for GIF Which was shot in Dubai and gearing up to release more music in 2021.
Until then though, check out the video for “GIF” below
Proudly Promoted by @DailyTrendtv (FredooDepromoter)
Watch and Enjoy the music video below
YouTube >>>> HERE
In addition to releasing new music, the singer UTO Entertainer Decided to drop the official video for GIF Which was shot in Dubai and gearing up to release more music in 2021.
Until then though, check out the video for “GIF” below
Proudly Promoted by @DailyTrendtv (FredooDepromoter)
Watch and Enjoy the music video below
YouTube >>>> HERE
Join Uto on all Social Handles @utoentertainerInstagram @utoentertainerTwitter: @utoentertainerTiktok: @utoentertainer Facebook page: @utoentertainer
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