Tyokyaa Peter Aondowase popularly known by his stage name Shaadow Mr Chokor from gboko LGA Mbayion of Benue state who has been dropping hit songs (Mimidoo featuring slowingz,Orkuhan Kwagh,X-mas kuma, Aunty, Benue ka tarwase featuring Mike Zule Zoo etc
He said
"I thank God for inspiring me with this great talent of mine.
My second thanks goes to King Joe Music World Wide [KJMWW], and especially the CEO of KJMWW Joseph Terkimbi for the honor given to me as the Best Singer Of The Year 2022.
I am happy to be the winner of the biggest award, it is the first of its kind in my music career, a very big shoutout to SANKARA. The beginning of my music career was like play, many people said all they wished on me, only few people prayed for my progress, many prayed for my retrogression, but as the work of God is not like that of man, here I am today as a Benue big time artist that is recognised throughout the edges of the state.and I will keep on promoting Tiv culture, i am very proud to be a Tiv musician. A very big shoutout to my fans, hypemen, Bloggers and my producers out there who in their good minds voted for me to be the winner of this biggest "TROPHY".
Shoutout to my big N#ggers God will make you bigger.
Long live Nigeria,
Long live Benue state,
Long live My Tiv People/Culture
Long live Benue PMAN,
Long live SANKARA,
Long live Ukum
Long live CEO of KJMWW
Long live all Benue artists,
Long live all my fans.
God bless you all in Jesus name (Amen)"
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