Emah Okon is the Creative Director at Laprince
Webcrafts.he hail from Ikot Ekpene in Akwa-Ibom State of Nigeria,and
based in Lagos.
He has an HND in Computer Science,Certificate I'm Product Design from DevCareer Tech.
was in the banking sector specifically with United Bank for Africa for 5
years before quitting to start his brand known as "Laprince Webcrafts"
in year 2020.he is skillful in Video Animations,Video Editing,Product
Design(UI/UX),Brand Identity Design,Graphics Design,Web Design.
He has done over 100 video projects,multiple website projects,over 80 video animation for corporate firms and start ups.
He has also trained over 40 people on video animation,video editing,graphics/web designs.
career goals are helping individuals horn their skills in
tech,contributing to the growth of small startups and evolving brands.
He has also significantly contribute in community and individual development.
He is a Member of the Rotary Club,Mende Midtown.
Contact Information
Email: info@laprincewebcrafts.com
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