Youth President Bin Abbas, Laments State of Leadership in Nigeria


In a scathing critique, the Youth President has condemned the current state of leadership in Nigeria, accusing politicians and leaders of being selfish, greedy, and cunning.

In a heartfelt message, the Youth President reflected on the principles of their forefathers, which emphasized faith, courage, self-respect, self-discipline, and a commitment to justice, fairness, and freedom.

These principles, the Youth President noted, enabled their forefathers to survive the oppressive treatment of colonializers. However, the current generation of leaders has failed to uphold these values, leading to widespread disillusionment among young people.

The Youth President’s message served as a call to action for the next generation of leaders, urging them to reject the selfish and greedy tendencies of current leaders. Instead, they encouraged young leaders to embrace the principles of their forefathers and work towards creating a better future for Nigeria.

As the Youth President poignantly stated, “God save Nigeria.” This sentiment echoes the frustrations and concerns of many young Nigerians who are eager for positive change and effective leadership.

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